H.O.P.E. Housing
Affordable housing is crucial for fostering a stable community. Our aim is to provide safe shelter for seniors and families. Covenant I, with 68 units for seniors, will begin accepting applications in October 2024. We're also planning Covenant II for family housing. Additionally, we're implementing initiatives like day centers, night shelters, mobile showers, and permanent supportive housing to support those in need.

The Cape Fear Region, along with much of the rest of the country, is experiencing a housing crisis. Here are the numbers:
In 2023, the average price for a home in New Hanover County, including single-family homes, townhomes, and condos, was more than $540,000. The average rent was $1,600 a month. Last year, the average age of a first-time home buyer was 33 years old (in the 1990s, it was 26 years old).
To understand the housing crisis on a personal level, ask yourself two questions. First: Would you be able to buy your current home at today's market prices? And secondly, if nothing is done to address this problem, will your children be able to afford to stay here?
For too long, we've watched as families have been priced out of neighborhoods they've called home for generations, and the dream of homeownership is slipping away. Renters face the brunt of the crisis, grappling with exorbitant rents that consume a significant portion of their income, leaving little room for savings or unexpected expenses. The situation is creating a ripple effect, contributing to homelessness as more individuals and families find themselves unable to afford even basic shelter.
Finding the solution to the housing crisis is one of the four major pillars of New H.O.P.E. CDC. We are working to build workforce housing for those who have been priced out of the market. Additionally, we have future plans to build permanent supportive housing, along with day and night shelters for the unsheltered population.
Addressing the housing crisis is not just a matter of economic fairness; it's a crucial step for societal well-being. Stable housing is foundational to a person's overall health, education, and economic opportunities. Without affordable housing, communities suffer from increased inequality, as access to quality housing becomes a privilege rather than a basic necessity. Furthermore, a lack of housing affordability hampers economic mobility, hindering individuals and families from building a better future. It's imperative that we come together to create policies and initiatives that promote affordable housing, ensuring that everyone has a fair shot to secure a place they call home.
In a city where the average rent hovers around $1,600 per month, well beyond the means of many residents, New H.O.P.E. CDC, as part of a public private partnership, is stepping up to address the urgent need for affordable housing by coming alongside those struggling to make ends meet. This program is specifically crafted to support individuals within the workforce, with a primary goal of helping them achieve a stronger financial position and, ultimately, homeownership.
The program recognizes the importance of stable housing as a key component of financial well-being and aims to provide targeted assistance to those aspiring to become homeowners. This year, our goal is to provide rental assistance to 127 families with our first roll-out to accept applications will start in February.
Eligibility Requirements:
Reside in New Hanover County.
Income 60% to 120% AMI (area median income).
Applicant’s rental amount falls within FMR guidelines.
Clearly defined need for assistance “Hardship”
Applicant has submitted all required documentation & has signed agreement to abide by guidelines of program.
NBCC Rental Assistance Program (RAP)
HOP - the Healthy Opportunities Pilot program, under the direction of the Department of Health & Human Service (DHHS), this community outreach initiative explores novel concepts of interventions in realms such as housing, food, transportation, interpersonal safety and more. Tailored for eligible Medicaid enrollees, the HOP program is dedicated to connecting with individuals who frequently find themselves in the challenging position of having to make choices between meeting their daily necessities and addressing crucial health matters. The program recognizes the profound impact these decisions can have on individuals' overall well-being and endeavors to provide support and solutions. By providing feedback on these test programs, the public private partnership results in creating evidence-based interventions that will one day benefit the entire community.
New H.O.P.E. CDC collaborates with New Beginning Christian Church to provide services to address the unmet needs of instability in housing, food insecurity, and other needs that can significantly and negatively impact health and well-being. As an HSO, have contracted to provide services in New Hanover and Onslow Counties, targeting nine concentrated areas: Housing Navigation, Housing Move-In Support, One-Time Payment & Security Deposit for Rentals, Essential Utility Services, Food Box Delivery & Pick-up, Home Remediation, Transportation and Inspections.
Healthy Opportunities Pilot (H.O.P.)